Technical writer, editor and physicist

Photo of Dara Morantes

Dara (Easley) Morantes, MS

For 20 years, I’ve been a physicist embedded in industry, supporting scientists, technologists and sustainability professionals. As a technical writer, editor, and project manager, I’ve collaborated on complex and technical projects across a wide range of industries including sustainable finance, state and federal grant writing, intellectual property, and STEM curricula.

I am passionate about supporting my community and making a meaningful impact.

Let’s connect and discuss your project!

Oregon Women Business Enterprise (WBE) & Emerging Small Business (ESB) #12808

Core Competencies

  • Technical editing: attention to detail, working with complex subject matter

  • Technical writing, including grant writing: coming up-to-speed quickly on new topics, distilling complex information and tailoring it to the audience

  • Project management, including proposal management for grants and RFPs: capture, strategy and coordination with SMEs